Basics of Computer Hacking +Beginner Guide+

The computer is a very popular platform to work with in nowadays. Sometimes we need to know more about computers so that we can do more crazy things with it. The computer is not only for doing some office work only; It has its world of black and white hat hacking. If you are land on this page through Basics of Computer Hacking knowledge, then you are at the right place.
Computer hacking is not an easy task, or if you know the some of the basics of hacking then it is not that many tough guys. Hacking is nothing but only a process in which you can found a weak point of a computer and exploit into the computer.

Basics of Computer Hacking & Beginner Guide

So, here are the necessary steps to learn to hack in 2017:

Network knowledge

To learn Computer hacking, you must know about the Network and the Internet. You have to learn about IP addresses, FTP and DNS, or many more things. Without learning Networking, the hacking knowledge is just waste. You can’t perform any hacking task without knowledge of IP addresses and HTTPS.
Learn about how the network works in the organization and how you can access others computer from one place. Cause in my cases the Network hacking is most important. So, the first step is to learn about Networking things.

Programming Language knowledge
Programming is an optional thing to get to hack, but somewhere it is available in the hacking world. Sometimes we need pro hacking tricks. In hacking skills, there are many methods which use a programming language like PHP, HTML, and Java.
Phishing is the one of the best technique which is used to hack the FB or any other social account. So, it’s important to know about programming languages. Phishing hacking method contains many languages including PHP and HTML. It’s compulsory to learn programming languages.

Computer Security

Computer safety is the foremost thing which you should focus on without wasting time. You must have an excellent knowledge about strongest and weakest point of the PC. In the computer, there are lot’s of weak points which you can find out quickly. Like Phishing undetectable is one of the biggest flaws.
There are weak points also on a computer like Firewall and antiviruses which cover your computer security.

Learn About Operating Systems

The operating system has been updated day by day, and more features are including day by day. So, it’s have been imperative know about the new Operation Systems. One of the best operating systems for hackers is Linux. Lots of professional hackers use Linux.
So, have an excellent knowledge of the operating system will be going to help you.

Good Learning Resources

If you are looking for online hacking courses, then wait for a second and think about it. Here at INKPEPPER, we provided the best free stuff to you. And we don’t take any money for teaching you hacking tricks. Press CTRL+D to bookmark our website. You will be going to learn here about Ethical hacking skills guys.

Is it safe to learn Hacking?

It’s totally safe to learn Hacking tricks, But the condition is that you have to perform hacking tricks only on yourself. If you try to hack someone’s else account, then you may be put into risk and govt. Take a legal action against you.
So, if you like our article or you want to become a hacker then do share and subscribe our post about “Basics of Computer Hacking“.
