Make Money Online : If you are eager to Make Money Online and get a steady income, you have landed to the right page. This article will talk about 6 Real Ways to Make Money Online.If you don’t have a product or a service to sell online, NO WORRIES!I will explain you different techniques to earn money online with or without a product.I will also share information with you on how to create digital content that you can sell online and make fast money. So if you are not confident and have no knowledge on how to earn money from internet or how to make money from home, I will teach you all of this in simple words.
If you are not aware, I would like to tell you that thousands of people are en-cashing Internet and E-commerce to make a luxurious living out of it. If you are under an impression that online money can be a part time business, you are wrong buddy. Several company’s full time job is to earn money online by providing various platforms. There are several business plans that can be taken up to online earning.
For example, let’s talk about you; if you want to buy something or learn a new technique like; how to make a website, best fashion brands, best colleges abroad for MBA, etc., there are 99% chances that you will begin your research from the Internet. Each time you enter a search keyword, it will take you to a web page. The web page that you land at is a form of money making online business of the person or corporate you’ve landed at.
If you have the talent or a product or a service or some knowledge, let’s learn how to make money online using one or all of them.
I would like to warn you that if you are reading this article while multi-tasking, please lock yourself in a comfortable quiet room with a cup of coffee and read each word with full attention because if your concentration is somewhere else and not on how to get rich by making money online, you shall not understand the strategies I am going to talk about and it’s simply wasting time then.
1. Create a Website and Sell your Product to Earn Money Online
If you don’t have a product, keep reading. Soon you will learn how to make money online without a product.
Sell a product online is one of the easiest ways to make money online.
If you already have a retail store and options to select from, why not create an online store of your products to get orders from all over the world? A retail store at a physical location is bound to give business and sales only from a limited audience residing probably in the 20 kms of radius whereas an online store can get you customers from around the world. You need to get smart and follow the trends if you don’t want to lose business in the coming modern times of technology.
If you don’t have a product yet, here are few ideas on what product to sell online:
a. Pick up a product from your father’s business to sell and make money online
If your father is into a physical goods business and has a variety or even a single product, why not to pick it up and make your father’s business digital? This can be really exciting and will give a definite sales boost to a product or a brand that is already in the market. It will give added sales to your father’s existing business and hence he will know how talented his son/daughter is.
b. Speak to your Friends or Family if you can take their products to sell online and hence make money online
I am sure at least one of your friend’s or family relatives have this one great product that you can select and make an online store to sell. You can either:
Buy their goods with rights to sell online at a mutually decided discount
Get a photo shoot of their products and place the images online at your website
Each time a sale is made, you can share the profit together at an amount agreed before setting up the business. Make sure before you go further, you need to sign a formal contract with this person so as to avoid any possible future disagreements.
You need to follow right business practices if you really want to run a business and make money online or offline.
c. Create a product of your own and sell online
If you are passionate about anything that can help you build a product out of it, it can be a good idea to make money online. If you are an artist and make paintings, why not sell them online as well? Or if you are aware of precious jewels, why not create artificial jewelry and make an online store to sell it to the world?
Here are a few options that you can consider to create a product of your own and sell online to make money online:
Artificial Jewellery
Home Made Food (pickles, bakery, cakes, etc.)
Home Made Organic Skin Care Products
Home Made Socks
Visiting Cards and Greeting Cards
Collect old and vintage stuff from around and sell online
Any famous specialty product available around your house and sell it online
Creating a website and an online e-commerce store to sell stuff online is easy and not lot of investment. You can hire a web developer and get it made easily. If you hire a Company, it can quote expensive prices whereas if you contact a website design freelancer, it will be economical.
2. Making Money by Selling at Online Shopping Stores
If you have a product already and not wanting to take the hassle of creating a website and making efforts to manage it because of your other work commitments, you can earn money from home by selling your products at these online portals including;
I have my personal experience of selling skin care products on these websites and they definitely bring you good sales per month without any investment. All you need to do is pay them a very nominal commission per sale that can range from Rs. 50-Rs. 100 depending on the MRP of your product.
There are many people who are now full time supplying their product range to these online portals and making good money online. The best part is here you can concentrate on your product and other work and the sales and dispatches will be taken care of by these companies.
Definitely an easy platform to make money online.
3. Sell your Knowledge : Start an Online Consultation Website
If you are an expert in any industry and want to make money online, the best way is to start your own website of Online Consultation.
Here you can get customers looking for the right solutions from every part of the world.
All you need to do is give a name to your business, buy a domain fromGoDaddy (it’s very simple to buy it from here) and hire a web designer to get a professional looking website made for you. Once the website is up and running, hire a freelancer or a company to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your website so that Google can start showing up your Company name each time someone searches for online consultation for a product or service that you offer.
I am telling you seriously that it is extremely easy to make money online. If you are still not capitalizing this opportunity, you are losing on to some great money. All you need is a right strategy to make money online and future will be yours. It is a promise.
How to Make Money Online with Online Consultation Website
For online consultation, you need to have some specialized knowledge or experience in a specific industry and thereby target specific audience looking for that specific consultation.
For example, if you know what all it takes to:
Open a school or a play school
Best ways to manage a warehouse
Best strategies to run a retail store
Different ideas on visual merchandising
Home decor
New business ideas
Import Export Management
And etc., then an Online Consultation can be a really good online money making business for you. But also, don’t forget to integrate your website with important communication systems like contact forms, support contact number, video conferencing feature (you can use Skype as well for this).
You can check out these few online consultation companies that are making money online by providing solutions to small businesses:
So basically any expertise you have can be used to ONLINE EARNING.
If you keep thinking HOW TO GET MONEY, remember the golden rule: if you have the knowledge and the resources, search engines like Google are looking for just the right content. If you can supply it to them, you can make money online from home, that too loads of it.
4. Get Paid Online with Freelance Content Writing for Blogs
Earn money from home by content writing for blogs and websites. There are thousands of websites who are always looking out for people to write content for them.
If you have the skills and know content writing well, this is your perfect platform to earn money online. Even if you know writing but have never written for anyone before, it does not matter until you can create some good content with a fresh idea that companies online are actually looking for.
Here is a list of websites that pay $50-$200 USD Per Article:
Back2College is a platform for adults who willing to resume their educations via programs like Executive MBA, etc. So if you are in your late 30’s and want to study further, Back2College is the right website for you that will provide you with useful information on colleges and their courses. They pay around $75-$135 USD per article
Submit your article HERE
Information on how to take care of birds can be read at BirdChannel. So if you can write an article on this, they can pay you between $100-200 USD for 1000 words or less.
Submit your article HERE
c. is a venture of the Cosmopolitan Magazine. They are constantly looking for writers to submit articles on life, dating, lifestyle, college, passion, sex life, etc. If you are a deserving writer for something like this, why not hit up writing for them and make money online by getting paid around $100 USD per article.
Submit your article HERE
If you are a parent and can offer some useful tips to the parents around the world, consider making money online by writing for AFineParent. Topics to be written on varies every month and are updated on the site. Mostly they pay $100 USD per article. At the end of the year if your post happens to be one of the most popular posts on the blog, you’ll get lucky with another $200 USD.
Submit your article HERE
e. ListVerse
No topic consideration on this blog. All you are required to do is submit any article on any topic but in the form of a list. Something like; 10 best restaurants, 15 best strategies, 20 best books, 12 things to do, etc. Minimum requirement per list has to be ten points. Make money online with Listverse by getting paid $100 USD per article.
Submit your article HERE
If you are considering to earn money from home by content writing and not sure how to create content, read the below blogs for guidance:
5. Make Money Online by Writing a Blog
This is my favorite and truly the best online money making machine. Nothing can be better than making money online by writing a blog. It is a full time job (at least for me) and also part-time online money making platform for some. If you have the time, why not consider this business idea to make online money.
A blog will not give you fast money but assured returns within a year or even less than that only if you adopt the right strategies.
There are several ways on how to make money on internet by writing a blog. I am going to give you some ideas in brief:
a. Write Content on “How-To”
If you carefully observe, you landed on to this page by writing how to make money online or how to earn money online or probably some other keyword on making money online. What I am trying to say is most of us are looking for solutions on the search engines like Google.
Today, Internet and search engines are the biggest resources of information. Google is always hungry for more and more of information. The more you create solution-based content, the more Google and other search engines will love you and give higher rankings to your blog.
So keep this strategy in mind on creating “how-to” content can be a successful online money making strategy for a blog. If you have knowledge about any specific and niche industry, why not start to write a blog on it and make money online.
Here are few tips on how to make money online by writing blogs on topics like:
- How to install a specific software on Macbook
- How to uninstall softwares on Macbook
- How to make your room pretty
- How to handle manpower
- How to give a professional interview
- How to make your parents happy
- How to be a pro in parenting
- How to become a successful teacher
- How to ensure a clean environment
- How to cut down on to your expenses
- How to plan a better budget
- How to keep a track of your time spent
- How to be successful in life
- How to make a relaxing holiday in 2 days
- How to ask for a successful leave from your boss
- How to manage your time
- How to impress the crowd
- How to talk professionally communicate in a conference
These were just some ideas on niche blogs that you consider writing and make good money online. Of course you need to brainstorm what you are good at and start working through it to make an online business out of it.
b. Make money from Internet by writing Reviews on products, hotels, restaurants, brands, books, etc.
Writing REVIEWS on products or services is another great market and platform to online money making. Just think about yourself; before you plan a travel to a specific hotel, of course you will not blindly book the hotel without reading its review on the internet. Same goes for buying electronics. This is human behavior. We all tend to do a little research on buying a particular product (specifically when it’s an expensive product) and for most of us, the research begins on the internet.
So why not take up this business idea for money making by simply creating a Blog that reviews products.
You need to be extremely specific here. If you travel a lot, a review on hotels, restaurants and airlines can be the best option for you whereas if you eat outside a lot, a review blog on just cafes and restaurants can be a good idea.
Once you start to review products, several brands will walk to you to write a review of their product on your blog and pay you for that. This way you can make good money online.
But during the initial phase when you have no traffic on your blog, of course you need to write reviews for free. This is how each review blog starts their business.
c. Making Money Online by Creating a Video Review Blog
Make money by creating a Video Review Blog. If you have the passion to get into product detailing and know how to talk well, a Video Review Blog can be a good business idea for you to earning money online. You won’t earn money from home because you will be required to move out of your comfort zone to do market research like visit stores and offices for meetings which is absolutely okay. Making money from home also needs some field work, always.
Videos are huge and receive maximum traffic on the internet. Youtube is a great platform to upload your videos and link them to your blog.
Video reviews of anything including products or services is always going to attract traffic because people prefer to watch and listen rather than making efforts to read but I am absolutely not saying that written reviews won’t give you traffic. It is a different business idea and has it’s own pros and cons.
Once your video review blog starts to receive traffic, you can make money online for free by signing to:
Google ads called Adsense
Affiliate Marketing
Banner Ads
Besides this online earning, the real money will come to you from brands and companies who will want you to record a video review of their products and services. They need marketing and customers and when a blog that has a say in the market recommends these companies product to its customers, it becomes a golden review of their product and can get them actual customers anywhere in the world.
These are some of the business ideas you can consider to make online money by blogs. Of course there thousands of more ideas. If you have one, share it with me in the comments and I will get back to you on its feasibility and how you can actually work through it to make money online.
6. Make Money Online by Creating and Selling a Digital Course Online to your Traffic
This is again one of the most popular techniques to make money online.
Lot of bloggers and companies create high in value digital content that people can buy from their blogs and study it to become pro in their respective fields. It can be an easy way to earn money online but only if you have some skills and information to create a course on to sell online to make money.
If you are an aspired blogger and looking for a breakthrough knowledge in order to make online sales or make money online from a blog, you may be interested to buy one of the blogging courses and end up paying more than $100 USD per course. Though there are several courses on the internet on how to make money online or on how to earn money from a blog, most them will be of no use because they charge you in advance and once you go through their study material, it is something too generic that could have easily been found on google or youtube.
So you need to be careful while downloading these paid courses on how to make money online by doing a thorough research on who can be a perfect coach to teach you how to create money making content for selling online.
I hope you found the above information useful.
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