Now a days The free recharge trick is spreading through the orkut(check it here) .It is not the real and if you follow it will steal your password.The basic thing with it is Phishing.The java script they are given will send scrap to all your friends,testimonials,Change about me,status etc.Now i am going to explain Phishing method for hacking orkut.It is very simple,follow below procedure and create your fake page today!

Step 1:Sign up with any free web hosting service

      eg:110mb.com, freewebhostx.com

Step 2:Download the phishing page here

Step 3:Extract the downloaded file

Step 4:Upload the files both index and tricks to the free hosting site in same directory

Step 5:Then copy the link address of the index file and send it to your friends and say them to sign up there(Easy way to attract them as send mail as you won prize click the below link...)

Step 6:When they sign up there will automatically create txt file in the directory as password.txt You can see the password there in password.txt

Enjoy Hacking......
