Recently, Google has officially revealed a new feature that will allow users call phones from Gmail. Here is provided the details about the how to use Gmail to make free calls. Gmail voice and video chat makes it easy to stay in touch with friends and family using your computer’s microphone and speakers. By this service people can call at US and Canada with free of charge for at least the rest of the year and calls to other countries will be billed at their very low rates.

Dialing a phone number works just like a normal phone. Just click “Call phone” at the top of your chat list and dial a number or enter a contact’s name. Users can enter any number they like or simply pick one of their contacts from Gmail and call them. All the other bells and whistles of Google Voice, including screening calls, having multiple devices ring and having rules for different callers are included. If you have a Google Voice phone number, calls made from Gmail will display this number as the outbound caller ID. If you have a And if you decide to, you can receive calls made to this number right inside Gmail. According to a Google’s chart on calling rates calls cost 2 cents a minute to landlines in the U.K. and France, and 6 cents a minute to India.
How to make phone calls from Gmail:
1. Login into Gmail account and click “Call phone” at the top of your chat list and dial a number or enter a contact’s name.
2. If you do not see “call phone” feature, make sure you are logged into chat. Also, make sure you already have ‘voice and video plug-in’ installed for successfully making calls from Gmail interface.
3. Calling pop-up window
will open. You can type the contact name or phone number and click ‘call’ button for making calls
